Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Day With Parklands

I've been in Swansea a month now. Sundays are definitely my favorite days of the week.
Today my walking buddies Joy and Connor were in Amsterdam, so I took a sunny 12-minute walk to Parklands church on my own. It's quite safe, Mama!

I am not very good at getting pictures with people in them, because I feel like a creeper. But I promise that some future posts will be of animate objects!

Pastor Brian's message was on redemption. It was a rather sobering message for today. What struck me was that, as much as we talk about God's love, it's also true that the terrible, terrible torture that Jesus willingly endured in order to redeem us, to buy us back, was real.

Valentine's Day is just gone. People got bears and chocolates and flowers and jewelry. No one can top the love Jesus showed a day 2,000 years ago.

(A bit of wood near the university)


After the service, we went to Pastor Brian's house and had delicious Sunday lunch. I have to say it's a grand tradition that we need to replicate in America! Peas, potatoes, parsnips (also broccoli and melt-when-you-touch-it cauliflower), and roast beef followed by hot custard on apple crumble!

After lunch, people scattered to watch football, watch rugby, or go home and revise (=study for a test).

In the evening I went to my first pub quiz with some of the Parklands people, at Bryn y Mor pub. Let me tell you, people get into these quizzes! There was a lot of "Oh, oh, oh, I know it! I'll remember in a second!" and "No cheating!" At one point it was suggested we have an exchange--the name of an actress for the name of a footballer.

Girls vs boys, boys won. I was pretty much useless on my team, since I don't know who was on the Green Party in a certain year or which childhood TV show features Bingo and Sporky, but it was still good fun.

I had a J2O passionfruit juice not a Guiness, but my camera died, so no photo of either my drink or the team. Sorry!




  1. How fun! I'm so glad you found a good church right from the start. The lunch looks super yummy! (Rina was protesting against the peas and cooked carrots.) I thought you were going to say you had your first Guiness. A pub quiz is so utterly foreign to the Americans ears. Indeed I expect photos of people next time.

    1. It is indeed an excellent church!
      Haha, the peas here are yummy! I didn't even notice that I was eating them.
      I don't think I will spend money on Guiness--I tried Joy's and it was nasty~
      Pub quizzes are so uniquely British! It's fun :D
