Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Picnic

The forecast said cold and cloudy, but it was sunny and warm enough for a picnic at the Gower!

Leanne packed ham, tuna and mayo, tomato-basil-cheese sandwiches, pickles, crisps, salad, and homemade chocolate cake in a wicker basket, and we drove out to Bracelet Bay. The wide open sea glinted ahead like a magpie's haven under a fresh blue sky. From out on the water, sounds of yelling motorboaters carried up to us, and a sailboat and tanker cut through the waves.

Caswell Bay and a pretty golf course lay just on our right, with the arms of Langland and Three Cliffs a bit beyond. Surrounded by prickly, coconut-scented Western gorse (which we identified by Leanne's illustrated guide to British flora), and breathing in sea air, we dove into our picnic. Savory, crunchy, sweet--it was lush, and enough leftovers for tea!

We could've sat there all afternoon, but the clouds were spending more and more time hiding the sun, so we packed up. A lost Spaniel puppy came to eat our breadcrusts, so Leanne returned him, and then we hopped in the car and went for a drive.